Oscars to Rock Well

A concept drawing of David Rockwells designs for Sunday nights festivities. (All images courtesy the Rockwell Group)
A concept drawing of David Rockwell's designs for Sunday night's festivities. (All images courtesy the Rockwell Group)

Possibly channeling a youth well spent watching late night reruns, David Rockwell envisioned a stage set for the 81st Academy Awards straight from the dazzling finale of 42nd Street wherein a woman’s face dissolves into a crescent moon.  And that would be almost as surreal as David Rockwell incorporating some paving ideas from the Piazza del Campidoglio.

Unpublished sketches of how one stage will be transformed into many.
Cue the mirrors. And the Piazza del Campildoglio.
Starlets are already anxious about stiletto-hostile stairs.
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