TMI Too Late

TMI Too Late

Earlier today, the Municipal Art Society posted an incredibly informative presentation that the group gave at the recent City Council hearings on the Bloomberg administration’s plans for rezoning Coney Island. The presentation, which can be found above, pretty succinctly explains what’s wrong with the city’s plan, why it won’t work, and alternatives–proposed, of course, by MAS–that could be undertaken. So why has this presentation surfaced so late in the process, when it will have little, if any impact on the rezoning?

Rumor has it the group didn’t want to rock the boat–after all, they got a warning from planning commission chair Amanda Burden–as the presentation was considered too incendiary for public consumption. Still, it make a far more compelling argument than some loopy renderings. And besides, isn’t the MAS supposed to rock the boat? Jane Jacobs would be so disappointed.