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We were surprised and delighted Monday upon reading in Page Six (okay, on Curbed, since we only read the Post when we’re feeling kinky) that one of our favorite designers, Winka Dubbeldam of Archi-Tectonics, will be designing a new club in Amsterdam (you know what that means!) for her fellow Dutchwoman Amy Sacco of Bugnalow 8 fame. Not only is this not the best time for clubbing, but now our dear Winka was cooler than ever, even that nifty condo of hers (aren’t they all?) down on Greenwich Street. We wrote Winka with a whole list of queries about renderings, locations, and lurid nightlife tails. Sadly, all we got back was this, presumably in reference to our dreams of a cool, crazy, possibly tropical design: “Not yet :-)” For now, then, we’re left with our bated breath to keep us warm on those cold MePa nights. Do save us a spot on the guest list, won’t you Winka?

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