Architect: Cuningham Group Architecture
Developer: REthink Development
Location: Culver City, California
Scheduled Completion: 2012
It’s not all just extreme form making in Culver City. Cuningham Group Architecture (CGA) has announced that it is going ahead with REthink Development to build the first high performance building in Culver City along the architecturally-adventurous Hayden Tract office development. The project, simply called Hayden, should break ground in 2011 and be completed by 2012.
The four-story concrete office building will occupy around 63,000 square feet, including 10,000 square feet for CGA themselves. By reducing energy use by up to 70%, the building is expected to earn at least a Gold LEED certification while pushing for Platinum. It will include natural ventilation, radiant heating, non-mechanical temperature control, and maximization of daylight, among other green elements.
In March, CGA earned the entitlement to the industrial-zoned property. The firm worked with the surrounding community to present a solution that meshed with the single-story residential vernacular that bounds the site. A small courtyard separates the mass of the building, breaking the floor plate into two low-rise towers. While taking advantage of the warm climate, the courtyard was mainly created for its passive environmental qualities. The open space will help mitigate swinging temperature extremes and allow for the flow of air and natural light into the rooms.
The building’s facade also pays tribute to the area’s surrounding movie production studios. A ribbon made of sheet metal winds around and into the courtyard like an unraveled filmstrip. It shades exterior windows on the south and east from direct sunlight. Operable shading devices fitted to low-E windows and sensitive to the climate conditions will open and shut. Below grade there will be a two-story garage for the building. The project is seeking permitting next month.