Pecha Kucha Haiti

Pecha Kucha Haiti

There’s never been a Pecha Kucha in Port-au-Prince before. But on February 20, some 280 cities across the globe that have hosted the 20-seconds-per-20-slides architecture presentation cum party will join together to try and raise $1 million for Architecture for Humanity’s relief efforts in Haiti. As the Pecha Kucha people put it on their site, it only took a matter of seconds for hundreds of thousands of lives to be forever changed. Hopefully, 200,000 design-savy, humanitarian-minded types will get together for a few more seconds in a week-and-a-half and start to put things back in order.

There are nearly a dozen planned all across California, including an appearance by Cameron Sinclair in San Francisco, and about as many are planned for the Midwest, including a nice line up in Detroit. If we may brag for a moment, New York has it best as usual, not only with the proceedings taking place at 7 WTC, but including an all star panel of presenters, including Florian Idenburg, Gregg Pasquarelli, Craig Dykers, and our new bestie Iwan Baan. For 20 bucks, you bet we’ll be there. And hopefully you’ll be there, too.