Archi-Tectonic Cheer

Winka Dubbeldam shares cheer with fragrance consultant Christoph Legreves and lighting designer Matilde Alessandra as former AN staffer Matt Chaban looks on.
Winka Dubbeldam shares cheer with fragrance consultant Christoph Legreves and lighting designer Matilde Alessandra as former AN staffer Matt Chaban looks on.

Architects, designers, and a few sharp Irish guys who knew someone at the door converged on the Tribeca Grand Hotel last Wednesday night when Winka Dubbeldam of Archi-Tectonics and Cinzia Fama-Agnolucci of CFA Design threw a bash in The Salon.

The Archi-Tectonics-designed space, provided a sultry backdrop to this family affair. Fama-Agnolucci’s mother kept watch from a low perch at the entrance as someone’s toddler made a beeline for Dubbeldam’s dog, who promptly snubbed her, preferring the company of a low-lying plate of hors d’oeuvres.

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