Help! Only Two Votes Needed To Fix California's Infill Policy

Help! Only Two Votes Needed To Fix California's Infill Policy

Okay, let’s take advantage of this Democracy thing, folks… Today you have the rare opportunity to shape urban planning policy in California by convincing a few swing voters in the state’s Senate to support AB 710, the Infill Development and Sustainable Community Act of 2011. Apparently the bill is two votes shy of passage. If passed it would do a number of things to improve the state’s sprawling urban development policy, including…

The  bill would encourage development on small lots in urban areas near transit corridors; it would require planning agencies to adopt regional transportation plans aimed at achieving balanced, coordinated, and planet-friendly transit systems; and it would prohibit cities and counties from requiring a minimum parking standard greater than one parking space per 1,000 square feet of nonresidential improvements.

So write to the following assembly-people and tell them to vote YES: Senator Alex PadillaCurren PriceCarol Liu, Kevin de Leon, Fran Pavley and Ron Calderon. Don’t just sit there, start emailing!