Clean Cut

Clean Cut

A plane of light, translucent scrims, and monumental desks define the ethereal new offices for media-production company LOGAN. It’s a space where the work is the focus and all clutter and distraction have been stripped away.

“We wanted to avoid doing the standard loft renovation,” said Ilias Papageorgiou, an associate principal at SO-IL, the architects for the project. Most of the employees of this film and video company work on a contract basis, so the office serves as a touchdown space for a variety of collaborators. “The space can accommodate people as the company expands and contracts,” he said.


The ceiling is a backlit, stretched PVC membrane that creates an even light throughout. “It’s nearly shadowless,” he said. Two custom tables extend the length of the two side-by-side spaces. A clear glass wall divides the space to create a conference room and semiprivate offices. Nylon scrims cocoon the entire space, including the windows, to varying degrees of opacity when viewed at different angles. The ghost-like outline of the windows and old pipes are faintly visible through the scrim. “We wanted to show traces of the old building,” he said.

A series of soundproof rooms arranged in an L shape frame the space. The rooms are lined with custom pleated-felt walls, prefabricated by Toronto-based FELT Studio. While informality reigns at most media companies, SO-IL makes the case that serenity boosts productivity.