Zak Kyes Working With…
Graham Foundation
4 West Burton Place
Through September 22
The first American solo exhibition of Swiss-American graphic designer Zak Kyes, founder of the design studio Zak Group and art director of London’s Architectural Association, will be on view at the Graham Foundation. Representing a wide array of his work, the show will feature projects arranged and presented not as a chronological body of work, but as collaborations with architects, artists, writers, curators, editors, and graphic designers. These working relationships highlight the impact of graphic design on its related fields, but also show how it is simultaneously shaped by those disciplines. By focusing on the intimate intellectual, formal, and business links of the collaborations, from conceptual to pragmatic, urgent to abiding, and ephemeral to long lasting, the exhibition focuses on the creative potential of collaboration to transform our understanding of graphic design, art, and architecture.