

Pink Dolphin
420 N. Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles
Tel: 323.655.0881
Designer: Abramson Teiger Architects

Pink Dolphin, an adventurous beachwear company, commissioned Abramson Teiger Architects to transform a 1,000-square-foot storefront in Hollywood. The goal was to stand out from its raffish neighbors on this hip Fairfax Avenue block, and to reinforce the firm’s identity, all on a minimal budget. The company asked for “a little shining jewel.” That prompted the architects to turn the ceiling and back wall into a sparkling, undulating wave of 95,000 household screws, derived from a 3D computer model. Fernando Escala of the E Creative Group fabricated the relief. Artist Steve Seleska painted the floor in layers of resin to simulate a watery surface, which reflects the ceiling and a row of laminated plywood stools. One sidewall is lined with vitrines, the other with driftwood to set off the merchandise. A vibrant turquoise facade lures customers in the door, while LED lighting in aluminum channel letters draws them to the back of the store.