Pressed Juicery

Pressed Juicery

Pressed Juicery
430 North Bedford Drive
Beverly Hills, CA
Tel: 310.247.8488

The idea of building a little lemonade stand in upscale Beverly Hills is somewhat laughable, but that was nonetheless the inspiration for LA firm Standard, which recently completed Pressed Juicery on Bedford Drive, not far from Gucci and Prada.

The store’s other locations at the time, in Brentwood, and West Hollywood, were both holes in the walls, where you order through a little window. That wasn’t an option in this tony district. The entire space is only 350 square feet. Its bright, simple palette of white oak timbers, white tile, and exposed light bulbs, doesn’t just evoke a stand, it calls out the company’s natural ingredients.

The store’s rhythmically spaced timbers repeat themselves on the walls and on the ceiling. Their pattern, seemingly random, is actually based on the Fibonacci Code, a mathematical sequence often found in nature.

The location has become the prototype for a group of 10 stores that the company has now built throughout California, some of them as small as 100 square feet. Who says bigger is better?