
Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti Vaults.
Yuki Yanagimoto

We run a lot of obituaries of deceased architects of import and others related to the profession who made an impact on the way we think about the built environment. We usually ask someone who knew the departed to write the remembrance, that way it is not just a rehash of the individual’s Wikipedia page.

Henning Larsen, 1925-2013

Dagmar Richter remembers the Danish master.

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Grady Clay, 1916-2013

Groundbreaking urbanist and author spent a lifetime observing the changing American landscape.



Paolo Soleri, 1919-2013

Maverick visionary architect leaves unique legacy.



Ada Louise Huxtable, 1921-2013

Julie V. Iovine remembers the critic’s humor, humanity, and voracious intelligence.



Marshall Berman, 1940-2013

The teacher, poet, and South Bronx native died on September 11.



Henry Hope Reed, 1915-2013

Paul Gunther remembers the contrarian classicist.



Rick Mather, 1937-2013

Barry Bergdoll remembers an architect known for intelligent interventions at cultural institutions in England and the US.



Balthazar Korab, 1926-2013

Noted architect and photographer was concerned with the relationship between humanity and the built environment.



Jason Sheftell, 1967-2013

Joey Arak salutes the revered New York Daily News real-state journalist.



Yukio Futagawa, 1932-2013

William Menking remembers the founder and impresario of GA Architecture magazine.



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