Presidio Letdown

Presidio Letdown

After several months of debating, the Presidio Trust revealed a surprising announcement early this month: it would no longer pursue any of

The board had invited the three teams–The Bridge/Sustainability Institute by WRNS Studio/Chora Group, The Lucas Cultural Arts Museum by Urban Design Group for filmmaker George Lucas, and The Presidio Exchange by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and EHDD–

Delaying their initial vote this past November, the board cited issues with each proposal, including unclear funding sources for the Sustainability Institute, design issues with the Lucas Museum, and lack of a unified program for the Presidio Exchange. "Such is the importance of the site that we take seriously our duty to do right by it, even if that means waiting,” the board said.

The three teams submitted their revised proposals on January 17 in front of a board meeting that drew more than 500 people. The Presidio has expressed interest in exploring a different site for Lucas’s museum, as well as possibly implementing ideas from the Presidio Exchange and The Bridge/Sustainability Institute.