Eavesdrop> Tettamant Booted: Could Dallas’ Nasher Sculpture Center Get a Sunlight Reprieve?

(Courtesy Nasher Sculpture Center)
(Courtesy Nasher Sculpture Center)

Thirty-four months have gone by since the Scott Johnson–designed Museum Tower hove into view and the Nasher Sculpture Center is still, er, gnashing its teeth. Every afternoon at around three o’clock glaring sunlight reflects off of the condo’s mirror like glass curtain wall, invading the Renzo Piano–designed skylit galleries, burning holes in the lawn, defoliating the trees, and no doubt increasing the air conditioning bill. Thirty-four months and nothing has been done to make it right, until June.

(Courtesy Nasher Sculpture Center)

After a three-hour closed-door meeting, board members of the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System, which was a prime investor in Museum Tower, voted to oust top staffer Richard Tettamant, who is widely associated with the Fund’s reluctance to clean up its mess. Furthermore, according to Jill Magnuson, the Nasher’s director of external affairs, the Fund has convened a committee to explore a solution to the reflection problem.

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