Eavesdrop> One Rat Center

(Michael Tapp / Flickr; Montage by AN)


Speaking of One World Trade, Condé Nast’s highly publicized move-in did not go entirely as planned. According to Gawker, Vogue, which is occupying floors 25 and 26, had to delay the relocation of its editorial department due to an infestation of rats. The rodent problem was evidently so dire that the fashion magazine’s editor-in-chief, a one Anna Wintour, went so far as to issue an order to her staff that they must ensure her office is a rat-free zone before she sets foot inside.

There was no indication of what measure might be taken should one of those little cheese-loving rascals appear among her papers when she does arrive. One only hopes that Ms. Wintour is an understanding boss who would offer her team some slack, especially where pest control is concerned, considering that it is not in the normal scope of an editorial job.

Gawker also reported that Vogue’s sales and marketing staff did make the move on schedule. Eavesdrop is not sure what this might say about these types of jobs and their relative rat-comfort levels.

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