Preservationists watchful as New York’s American Museum of Natural History taps Jeanne Gang for addition

The Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History (David Sundberg/ESTO)
The Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History (David Sundberg/ESTO)

Last year, Chicago-based Studio Gang Architects opened a New York office, and now it is clear they made a smart decision in doing so: the firm has been selected to design a six story addition to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The current museum complex is an eclectic jumble of architecture styles, and it’s most recent addition is the Rose Center for Earth and Space by the Polshek Partnership (now Ennead).

Aerial view of the American Museum of Natural History looking north. (Courtesy Bing Maps)


The project is likely to be controversial, as it will encroach on Theodore Roosevelt Park, a small neighborhood park immediately adjacent to Central Park. Preservationists and neighborhood advocates are watching the project closely. “Because the ‘plans’ announced by the American Museum of Natural History are long on laudatory sounding goals but short on details,  Landmark West! (LW) is in a wait and see mode regarding the expansion plan. Once the full details of the plans are known, LW will carefully review them and formulate a response. However, the AMNH’s  publicly stated intention of encroaching on the surrounding park land is of serious concern to LW. We would prefer that the AMNH use the park land to further the study of natural history and redouble its commitment to conserve it,” wrote Arlene Simon, the president of the board of Landmark West!, in an email to AN.

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