Pittsburgh Penguins hire Bjarke Ingels for new residential housing development

(Courtesy Wikipedia Commons)
(Civic Arena, the Penguins home from 1967-2010. Image Courtesy Wikipedia Commons)

The Pittsburgh Penguins, via their residential developer are set for, in the words of Bjarke Ingels, a “promiscuous hybrid” form of residential housing aimed at bridging the Uptown and Downtown areas of Hill District. The development will occupy a 28-acre plot of land around the former home of the Penguins the Civic Arena.

Pittsburgh and the residents of Hill District must be ready for an iconic and maybe even bizarre piece of development, as the Danish firm specializes in the outlandish and obscure. Copenhagen, where the firm started, has become accustomed to Ingels’ eccentric works, with some 26 projects having been built there already, but this is Ingels’ first foray into a mid-size American city.

BIG’s Pittsburgh reception remains to be seen as no renderings have yet been released, though it’s hard to see it not having a positive impact in the vicinity. The area to be developed, called the Hill District, is in need of rejuvenation and has been for sometime. According to the Post-Gazette, in 2010, over 40 percent of the local population was living below the poverty line but there is positive news as well, development projects in the area are on the rise—a supermarket opened in 2013, ending a more-than-30-year food desert.

Quite what BIG will dream up, no one knows. Travis Williams, COO of the Penguins, claims hiring Mr. Ingels is a coup. “It will be something new and unique for Pittsburgh and I think the results are going to be phenomenal,” he told the Post-Gazette.

Quite what Hill District will make of it however, remains to be seen.

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