Pelli Clarke Pelli designs San Antonio's first new office tower in three decades

Pelli Clarke Pelli designs San Antonio's first new office tower in three decades

In downtown San Antonio, famed New Haven, Connecticut–based firm Pelli Clarke Pelli (PCP) teamed up with local Alamo Architects to design the new Frost Bank Tower headquarters. It will be the first office tower to join the San Antonio skyline in three decades and one of several new PCP buildings in Texas, including Dallas’ McKinney & Olive tower and the Shraman South Asian Museum and Learning Center.

Weston Urban and KDC of Dallas selected the firms in part because of its extreme care and attention to detail. When the firm’s representatives shared the project with the selection team, they presented an impeccably detailed paper model of downtown San Antonio with a variety of different towers to illustrate a variety of choices for the site. Appropriately, PCP’s project leads, principal Bill Butler and Fred Clarke, are both native Texans who have spent ample time in San Antonio.

The new tower is proposed to be 400,000 square feet, have an emphasis on sustainability, and will be integrated with the new design of the San Pedro Creek area, where architect David Adjaye just revealed his own art gallery. PCP’s plan will include a new bridge and plaza.

Ground breaking is slated to begin fall 2016 and completion in 2018 or ’19, loosely coinciding with San Antonio’s 300-year anniversary in 2018.