David Chipperfield’s Classical display cabinets take a cue from the Ionic column

(Courtesy David Chipperfield)

Looking for a tasteful way to show off your collection of iconic postmodern teapots or architect-designed shoes? David Chipperfield may have the answer.

(Courtesy David Chipperfield)

Debuting during the London Design Festival, the “Ionic” display cases find the architect comfortably ordering classical bronze columns and ribbed glass panels. The cabinets have been developed for the David Gill Gallery.

“David Gill encouraged me to think to create furniture outside of the normal commercial criteria—the furniture industry is interested in methods of production that are economical and where pieces sit within the marketplace—be that a sofa or a coffee table,” Chipperfield said in a statement. “With David Gill, we were able to operate outside the conventional commercial furniture system. It was strange, and yet very interesting.”

(Courtesy David Chipperfield)

The project evokes the fantasy of architects everywhere: the dream client, with little to no restrictions on vision and budget. “I still wanted to make a utilitarian object but didn’t see utility as its primary concern—or the economy of means,” Chipperfield continued. “I didn’t have to worry about how it was made, just to make something beautiful out of beautiful materials, such as casting and bronze; things that normally lie beyond the possibilities of the commercial process and invest the object with a strong physical presence.”

(Courtesy David Chipperfield)
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