Forward Slash (/) Architektur win Performa 15 HUB competition

(Courtesy Preforma)
(Courtesy Performa)

Performa, an organization that is committed to live performance in a wide variety of fields, has announced Christoph A. Kumpusch and his office, Forward Slash ( / ) Architektur, as the winner of its first global competition for the design and realization of the Performa Hub.

(Courtesy Performa)

Forward Slash will construct their installation in downtown Manhattan at 47 Walker Street for the Performa 15 event that is on this year from November 1 through 22 at various locations across New York City.

Sections (Courtesy Performa)

“Since Performa 09, Performa has had a strong architectural component, and the Hub has been the experimental locus for architecture that works as backdrop and stage, think-tank and gathering place for the arts community in New York,” RoseLee Goldberg, founding director and curator of Performa, said in a statement.

“The competition process has allowed us to get closer to those architects who think about such activated architecture all the time,” he continued. “We’re thrilled to work with Christoph and his team on a space whose shape and function will necessarily change hour by hour.”

Performa Hub is physical realization of Performa’s vision, where participants can be enticed and exposed to this vision either via a clever articulation of space. This can be done by directing them literally to various activities through conventional seating plans or by moving walls to create different spaces like recording studios, box offices, reading rooms, meeting spaces, lecture theaters, performance and exhibition spaces, food venues, and more.

Plans and schematic (Courtesy Performa)

The Hub is also a place for the Performa Institute to call home, acting as a vehicle for research and educational elements related to the biennial and a space for artistic experimentation.

“Performing Architecture’ requires structures and geometry defined by dynamic movement of theatrical elements,” Kumpusch said in a statement. “It also intensifies and underlines the gestures of the artists and the action of the performance to embody these new possibilities, or modes of participation, and to dramatize the activities themselves in appropriate, urban structures.”

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