M-Rad unveils design for a many-colored Hudson Yards hotel

(Courtesy M-Rad Architecture)
(Courtesy M-Rad Architecture)

Though New York has over 100,000 hotel rooms, developers on Manhattan’s Far West Side feel there’s room for more. Matthew Rosenberg, founding principal of Los Angeles–based M-Rad Architecture, has completed the concept design of Hudson Americano, a 740-foot-tall, 160-suite hotel at Hudson Yards.

(Courtesy M-Rad Architecture)

Commissioned by New York developer Black House, Hudson Americano is targeted towards wealthy international visitors. Per the luxury amenities arms race, the hotel will have a three level spa and two pools.

The checkered glass, metal, and concrete facade reflects excess light during the warmer months and absorbs heat in the winter to balance the ambient temperature inside. M-Rad will strive to achieve LEED Gold certification for the completed structure.

M-Rad’s Las Vegas live-work tower (Courtesy M-Rad Architecture)

Hudson Americano is not M-Rad’s first try at a splashy facade. Earlier this year, the firm unveiled a live-work tower for downtown Las Vegas that requires residents to travel through community spaces—a cafe, grocery stores, or an extensive spiral ramp—to reach their destination.

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