Struggling to express yourself? Try an Archemoji

Struggling to express yourself? Try an Archemoji

Until now, architects have had few ways of expressing themselves when faced with a palette of emojis. The dull depictions of a hospital, hotel, or town hall simply do not suffice the range of architectural expression in the modern world.

Cue Alexandra Lange and Curbed, who recently launched Archemoji. The name says it all.

Emojis, whether you like it or not, are part of modern day life. Last year, the Oxford English Dictionary officially added “😂”, or “Face with Tears of Joy”, and so it’s probably only fair that the architecture scene got in on the act. After all, Kim Kardashian has already added her own set, Kimoji.

Thankfully, #Archemoji has taken twitter by storm, trending for all the right reasons, and now there’s even a quiz that lets you know what specific Archemoji you are.

With Archemoji, you can now swear at someone with Frank Gehry without having to source a meme from the web. You can let someone know you disapprove with the disapproving-Zaha emoji, or passively send them a Doric column to let them know how basic they are. Denise Scott-Brown’s power-stance, Lange’s favorite, is also featured.

Quite how emotionally liberating Archemoji’s will be remains to be seen, though Lange points out that the common dilemma of articulating yourself through emoji’s to say “fell into a Brutalism rabbit hole online” has now finally been solved.

“Won’t it be nice to just say Heart + Villa Savoie? Or Side Eye + Shipping Container? Sadly, I know I’m going to get a lot of use out of Heartbreak + Wrecking Ball + Boston City Hall, as yet another heroic concrete building goes down,” says Lange.