A TRUE partner for engineered wall systems

United Architecture Metals: a TRUE partner for engineered wall systems. (Courtesy United Architecture Metals)

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What We Do

UNITED ARCHITECTURAL METALS (UAM) is one of the most diverse engineered wall and facade suppliers on the market today.

Our approach is unique in that we are with you at the start with professional collaboration and experienced design assist.

With a team composed of both engineering and architectural backgrounds, the design assist team understands the importance of maintaining the design intent of a project and how to work successfully alongside the owners, architects, and other contractors alike for a successful design assist project.

We then can move seamlessly into the manufacturing and fabrication stage. Our state of the art facility spans almost 100,000 square feet and features three temperature controlled glazing lines, naturally lit frame assembly area, CNC machines for precise fabrication, automated saw lines, and a custom 8 head punch for fast vertical fabrication.

UAM’s Typical Responsibilities during the Design Assist & Collaboration Process:

-Full coordination with the design team including the incorporation of shell modeling within the construction document package.
-Real-time budget updates to match design changes.
-Assist in design problems.
-Perform clash detection with other trade models.
-Meet the owners’ design and performance specifications.

From start to finish– UAM is your high performance engineered wall partner!

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