There are architecture offices that celebrate digital architecture and parametric design and others that use these digital tools to simply achieve their design goals. Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA) clearly falls into this second group and has always celebrated architectural tradition as the firm’s starting point and a generator of its designs.
Now RAMSA is celebrating architectural hand drawing by its staff in a new gallery it has opened in its 34th street space. The gallery’s first show Drawing from Experience focuses on the tradition of travel sketching, historically a fundamental component of an architect’s lifelong education. Thirty-six members of the office have 151 travel sketches displayed salon-style in the gallery; RAMSA claims the work “internalizes an impression of the built environment in a way that can never be replicated through snapshot photography, developing a way of seeing that is simultaneously analysis, art, and autobiography.”
The in-house gallery initiative is one that that more firms should embrace as a way of developing a more supportive and creative office culture.