Buckminster Fuller Institute moving HQ to San Francisco

Buckminster Fuller Institute moving to San Francisco. (Courtesy worldaroundtrip/Flickr)

Late last week, the Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI)—an organization dedicated to continuing the ambitious, global work of architect Buckminster Fuller—announced it would be relocating to the West Coast. “After twelve exciting and successful years in New York, we’re moving BFI’s headquarters back to California, which is where we got our start,” the BFI said in an email. Just today, the BFI provided The Architect’s Newspaper with additional details.

The organization said there would be no disruption to the 2017 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, which is accepting entrants through March 31st, 2017. This year the BFI is seeking “innovators who are addressing the many crises facing humanity and the fundamental systems that support life on Earth….” (For more on the 2017 Call for proposals, click here.) Each year several finalists are selected, and one project wins $100,000 in support of its ongoing development and implementation. The 2017 Buckminster Fuller Challenge ceremony will also still take place in New York.

Later this Spring the BFI will announce more details on its San Francisco office; the organization will retain some employees in New York City, but it will no longer have an office there.

Those living in the Bay Area and interested in helping the BFI can contact the group regarding volunteer and internship openings.

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