Here are some scholarships and resources for women in architecture

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Here are some scholarships and resources for women in architecture

Here are some scholarships and resources for women in architecture. Beverly Willis & Associates in project meeting with Beverly Willis (standing), partner David Coldoff (opposite end) and project team, San Francisco, 1979. (Courtesy Beverly Willis Archive)

It’s no secret that architecture has a diversity problem. Though roughly half of architecture grads are women, women make up only 14 percent of those employed in the architecture and engineering occupations, according to a 2016 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (and those in the field still average salaries that are 20 percent less than their male counterparts). While some things are changing as the industry opens its eyes to the wide variety of professionals in the design industries, it’s undeniable that still more needs to be done. In celebration of International Women’s Day, we’ve rounded up a list of resources to help support and connect women in architecture, design, and related fields.

Beverly Willis Architectural Foundation

Founded in 2002 by famed architect Beverly Willis, this organization seeks to increase awareness of women architects throughout history with projects like the Pioneering Women of American Architecture website, while also fostering the next generation of industry voices through initiatives like the Emerging Leaders Program and the Built By Women event series.

National Organization of Minority Architects

NOMA works to promote diversity in all aspects of the design professions, through community engagement and professional development, with the goal of minimizing the effects of racism in the field. Check with local chapters for opportunities geared toward women minorities in the design professions, including networking meet-ups and lecture series.


This independent, unaffiliated organization for women in architecture, composed of academics and practitioners, seeks to transform the architecture profession by “bridging the academy and practice.” Every month, ArchiteXX sends out a list of resources and opportunities specifically of interest to women in academia and practice. Those interested can sign up through their website.

Architects Foundation

The Payette Sho-Ping Chin Memorial Academic Scholarship, which was named in honor late founder of the firm Payette and founder of the AIA’s Women’s Leadership Summit, is an annual $10,000 award for a woman entering their third year of undergraduate study or beyond. In addition, each recipient is paired with a senior-level mentor from Payette, to help her grow her professional network.


While many local AIA chapters offer their own resources for women, the nationwide, Women’s Leadership Summit has grown from a grassroots movement to a national phenomenon as the biannual program prepares to celebrate its 10-year anniversary with the 2019 edition.

American Planning Association Foundation

The American Planning Association Foundation’s Judith McManus Price Scholarship offers awards to women, African American, Hispanic, and Native American students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program approved by the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB), with plans to work in the public sector and demonstrated financial need. Scholarships range from $2,000 and $5,000, and application forms will be available in early April for 2018 applications.

Association for Women in Architecture + Design

AWA+D is a group dedicated to promoting the education and careers of women in the fields of architecture and design. They offer a variety of resources, including foundation offering a fellowship program that grants a women with 10-plus years design experience in Southern California the funding to produce a significant work of publishing or research.

National Organization of Women in Construction

Each year, the professional organization awards some $25,000 in scholarships (ranging from $500 to $2,500) for undergraduate students with a minimum 3.0 GPA in construction-related fields.

Houzz Scholarship Program

The online design community offers twice-yearly student awards, including the Women in Architecture Scholarship. The $2,500 prize is open to female students studying architecture or architectural engineering with the goal of working in the residential sphere.

American Association of University Women

With roots dating back to 1881, the AAUW offers a variety of programs promoting education and equity for women and girls. The Selected Professions Fellowships offers grants for those pursuing fields where women’s participation has historically been low, including architecture and engineering.

What are your favorite resources for women in architecture? Spread the word in the comments. And there’s still time to have your voice heard in the AIA 2018 Equity in Design Survey. The online survey closes March 16.