Here are even more end-of-year student exhibitions to peruse

architecture student project

For her final studio project at the California College of the Arts (CCA), Hannah Jane Kim envisioned a vast megastructure the size of a city…the size of a territory. Her “Territorial City” project received a special citation from a select group of “curators” drawn from CCA faculty. (Hannah Jane Kim/California College of the Arts)

A little over a week ago, we published a roundup of end-of-year school exhibitions that had made the transition to online formats. Only later did it occur to us only that the use of the modifier “best” to describe the student projects contained in those showcases was a little ill-advised. After all, some schools have been quicker to the punch than others, so we’ve made another pass, scanning the web for even more virtual displays with equally strong design projects.

California College of the Arts Architecture
The CCA’s student showcase is emphatically not an exhibition, but rather “a portal for discovery,” according to a statement on the site. Disclaimers aside, the work, which spans architecture, furniture, fine arts, and humanities and studies concentrations, can be easily browsed thanks to the filter option. One such filter? “Curator’s Picks.”

Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
The small sampling of work that Cornell AAP has made available online is weighted to the school’s undergraduate program, which consistently tops national rankings.

The New School’s Parson School of Design
Parsons recently launched a web-based iteration of its annual spring exhibition. It gathers work from eight different programs, ranging from architecture and interior design to lighting design and product design. One could easily spend an afternoon browsing this diverse set of projects, but you might want to start with the B.Arch and M.Arch galleries.

In his “Nuanced – Topia” project, NewSchool grad Tommy Yang imagines a vertical village grafted onto an existing subway station in Queens. (Tommy Yang/Parsons The NewSchool)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Architecture
In reproducing its traditional student exhibition, Rensselaer Architecture prized verisimilitude over flashier, web-specific bells and whistles. The virtual gallery reproduces its physical counterpart, which is typically held in Greene Building, the school’s main hub. In a poignant touch, student work is even “pinned” to display boards.

USC Architecture
USC Architecture’s Virtual Expo is one of the most comprehensive online galleries we’ve seen. Student work from across the school’s programs—architecture, landscape architecture, building science—is all faithfully rendered in large-formal slideshows.

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