The Importance of Generic Standards in Architecture




Generic standard details have had a monumental impact on the architectural industry, freeing firms from having to manage their own standards or spend valuable hours on needless specificity. Having access to standard details means that most details can be less specific and modified only as necessary to align with project requirements. This let’s projects move forward quickly, unburdened by details from a firm’s previous projects. That’s why generic details that do not favor one vendor over another have an important place in the design process; the hours saved in not re-creating generic details can be devoted to perfecting a few custom details that bring real value to each project.

Where do architects find the generic standards they need? For more than eight decades, Architectural Graphic Standards has been the industry’s go-to resource for generic details. Now available in its entirety online for the first time, the AGS is a highly-searchable, continuously updated tool that makes essential information available instantly. Because better drawings equal better project outcomes, the AGS is the industry standard. Learn more at

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