Conscious Cities Festival 2020

How will conscious design change the way we transform our cities?

Conscious Cities Festival 2020 invites leading practitioners, activists, scientists and the general public from around the globe to explore the dialogue between people and place. 

Time: October 18 – 24, 2020
Location: Online
Between October 18-24, 2020, the Centre for Conscious Design (CCD) presents Conscious Cities Festival 2020: To Shape and be Shaped. Hosted at venues and online platforms around the world, this year’s festival will feature 15+ event series to discuss how Conscious Design can empower and meet the needs of local communities and individuals. Conscious Design is a continually evolving process that incorporates systems and structures, science, storytelling, and participatory-design.
Building on previous Conscious Cities Festivals hosted by the Centre of Conscious Design (CCD)  each event will tackle pressing issues facing urban populations. This year, the movement is launching its first group of local chapters, each of which is organizing an event in their city. Some speakers of note include Tiffany Shlain [Let it Ripple; founder], Adah Paris [Director and Producer of L&D Experiences], Upali Nanda [HKS Architects; Principal and Director of Research], and Jandel Allen Davis [Craig Hospital; President].
Mission Statement
The 2020 Conscious Cities Festival sparks global knowledge exchange by cultivating networks of local and diverse experts, organizations, and institutions to co-create solutions to current issues. The 2020 Conscious Cities Festival acts as an umbrella, assisting our chapters around the world to create their own Conscious Cities Events. To us, the conscious cities festival is only the beginning, igniting a continued network, dialogue, and reimagination of the built environment for years to come.
Conscious Cities Festival 2020 Participating Chapter and Events:
About The Centre for Conscious Design

The Centre for Conscious Design (CCD) is an international grassroots think tank focused on using conscious design to alleviate complex social and urban issues today and in the future. The CCD emerged out of the Conscious Cities Movement, started by architect Itai Palti and neuroscientist Prof. Moshe Bar in 2015. Its mission is to reconceptualize design and push towards a ‘conscious’ model that responds to the needs of the people and communities. 

Talks from previous events are available to watch in our video library, as well as resources in open-access journals and annual anthologies. Watch a 3-minute introduction video here and read the Wikipedia article here.

#ConsciousCities #CCities20 #CCF2020 

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