Creating Connections – Call for Entries

The Better Block Foundation, in partnership with Common Era and Humancraft, announced a design competition aimed to address the growing epidemic of loneliness by exploring the impact of design on how people connect with others, the universe, and themselves.

The competition Creating Connections aims to heal, unite, and inspire sustainability, inclusivity, and human and spiritual connection, and builds from the Jewish imperatives to improve our global community and honor the interconnectedness of all people and the planet.

Designers are invited to create a public infrastructure piece that reimagines public spaces as catalysts for creating moments of connection, empathy, and shared experiences. The creations should be a testament to the idea that design can not only be pragmatic but also bridge divides, foster unity, and promote a deeper sense of connection with the world around us. Submissions should align with Better Block’s Wikiblock philosophy that anyone, anywhere can create beautiful and meaningful design. The goal is to add these designs to Better Block’s Wikiblock library for members across all communities to access and add to their own public spaces.

Submission deadline for the competition is March 11.

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