Charrettes Introduction
Architecture competitions are important because they allow architects of all levels to communicate and solve problems together. However, architecture competitions ask too much, give too little and promote formats that do not acknowledge the brevity, speed and riffability required for mass exposure/communication today. The goal of Charrettes is simple: redirect our creative energy towards saying a lot with a little and being compensated for our ideas. The work done here should not only showcase your talents, but should inspire. We want to ask questions more than produce answers. We want to create imagery that we can easily repost on social media outlets to disseminate ideas outside of the architecture community.

Charrette 1 – Good Walls Make Good Neighbors, Mr. Trump

The Premise
Donald Trump’s proposal for a wall separating Mexico from the United States is a purportedly simple solution to a dubiously framed problem. The genius here is the exploitation of a universally recognized symbol of division and public exhaustion from complicated global politicking. The straightforward idea of building a wall – though preposterous – provides a sense of power in a time when many of us feel powerless. Along these lines, I propose a similar solution to an arguably much more threatening actor: a wall separating Donald Trump from the United States.

The Proposal
Use one of the provided images at the competition site of a Trump property and redefine the architectural content or insert architecture of your own to separate it from the rest of the country.

+ All entries will be posted on the Reality Cues website
+ All entries will receive a Mini Lego Trump Wall (+ Reality Cues swag)
+ Prize for the best overall image will receive a Mega Lego Trump Wall (+ Reality Cues swag)

Important Dates
Charrette announced: August 08, 2016
Submissions due: September 08, 2016
Winners will be announced: October 08, 2016
Election Day – Go vote! : November 08, 2016

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