High Performance Building Enclosures presented by Graham Finch of RDH

High Performance Building Enclosures for Larger & Taller Buildings in North America presented by Graham Finch, RDH Building Science, Organized by Cosentino, Cosella-Dorken, and Roxul

Overview Of The Discussion (Eligible for 3 CEU Credits):

The design and construction of high performance buildings, driven by Passive House, LEED and other energy efficient building programs is becoming increasingly popular across North America. As a result, the construction industry is starting to see many new and innovative building enclosures being incorporated into all building types ranging from single family homes all the way up to taller wood-frame and non-combustible high-rise buildings. These more thermally efficient, air-tight, and durable building enclosure designs have evolved from existing North American practices with new materials that have been introduced into the market in recent years. Materials that include many new alternate: air barrier membranes, tapes & sealants, thermally efficient cladding supports, unique fasteners, and insulation products.

This half day seminar will provide an in depth overview of many of the new and innovative building enclosure designs that are being designed and constructed in North America with a focus on more thermally efficient, durable and air-tight walls and roofs. New and cutting edge research will be presented on the evaluation of exterior insulation cladding supports to minimize thermal bridging along with the tested real-world performance of various new air barrier systems. This seminar will provide insight as to where these new building enclosure components and assemblies work best along with the limitations of certain products, so you will understand how to best incorporate them on your next project.

Numerous case studies will be presented to demonstrate how new and innovative building enclosures have been integrated into various projects ranging from mid-rise wood-frame buildings, pre-fabricated passive houses, to towering wood, concrete and steel structures.

About the Speaker:

Graham Finch, MASc, P.Eng
Principal, Building Science Research Specialist
RDH Building Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Graham is a Principal and Building Science Research Specialist with RDH Building Science. He has a passion for technology and for making better and more energy efficient buildings. He leads RDH’s building science research group and is actively involved in a wide range of projects from building research studies to forensic investigations, building monitoring, hygrothermal modeling, and new construction across North America. Graham has authored several publications and practical industry guideline documents related to durable and energy efficient building enclosures. In addition to RDH, Graham is a part-time instructor of Building Science at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

About the Venue:

Cosentino City Center, Manhattan

A&D Building, Suite 399

150 East 58th Street (58th & Lex)

Tickets limited to the first 60 attendees.  Tickets will not be sold at the door. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Habitat for Humanity New York City.

Doors Open @ 8:30 am

Coffee & Pastries Included

Speaker Discussion 9 am to 12 pm

Networking Lunch 12 pm to 1 pm Included


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