Improving Sustainability Concept in Developing Countries – 4th Edition

The 4th international ISCDC conference meeting is the platform where the most recent topics, researches and ideas about sustainability are announced, Proposals around how to achieve sustainable development goals especially in developing countries, topics such as sustainable architecture design and green building construction, using eco-friendly materials, Renewable energy generation and smart infrastructure, Environmental and natural resources preservation, improving the built environment water recycling and sustainable waste management solutions

The 4th ISCDC international conference is around 5 sustainable development topics

1. Principles of Sustainable Development

2. Designing Solutions for Sustainable Architecture

3. Sustainable Environmental Preservation and Management

4. Sustainable Strategies for Developing Countries

5.The Challenge of Sustainability

See Conference full topics

ISCDC conference is a great opportunity gathering likeminded professionals around sustainable development field from all geographical areas in a common discipline , exchanging their most recent knowledge and experience on how to improve sustainable development in developing countries and proposing solutions on how to overcome the challenges of sustainability like water scarcity, Energy security, Climate change, loss of biodiversity, Land management solutions and sustainable soil

Who should attend and why?

The 4th international conference on improving sustainability concept in developing countries ( ISCDC ) is for all passionate believing in the importance of sustainable development and its application in all areas.

Architectes, professors, scholars and students, practitioners, policymakers, environmentalists, power engineers, influencers and governmental officials are all contributing efforts to come up with the most practical researches and ideas on sustainability and sustainable development goals

See the 3rd ISCDC conference overview to Learn more about ISCDC conferences, Keynote speakers and reputable professionals attendees, Sponsors, and media covering

Accepted peer-reviewed research paper from the 4th ISCDC conference will have the chance to be published within IEREK-Springer Book series ( ASTI ) under the title of ‘“Advanced Studies in Energy Efficiency and Built Environment for Developing Countries” ( submitted for indexation in Web of Science (ISI), EI-Compendex, and Scopus databases.)

or in The International Journal of Proceedings of Science and Technology (Resourceedings) online by IEREK Press.

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