As managing partner of Jerusalem-based Shlomo Aronson Architects, Barbara Aronson designs resilient landscapes in arid locales characterized by extreme water scarcity at sites such as Negev Desert and the Dead Sea. Reinterpreting “green” beauty, these sustainable projects take advantage of natural processes and build on traditional methods of agriculture and irrigation. A graduate of Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, she oversees urban master planning and landscape design for transportation projects, city and neighborhood parks, and urban plazas. Among the firm’s well-known projects in Israel are Sherover Promenade in Jerusalem, the new municipal park in Herzliya, and Kreitman Plaza at Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva.
This presentation is part of the 17th Annual Landscape Design Portfolios Lecture Series, Designing the Unexpected, a production of The New York Botanical Garden Adult Education department. Support was provided by the Heimbold Foundation.