The Architectural League President’s Medal Celebration of Andrew Freear

On June 1, the League will host a virtual presentation to honor Andrew Freear, 2020 President’s Medal laureate. The presentation will include remarks by Marlon Blackwell, Rosalie Genevro, Paul Lewis, and Billie Tsien on Rural Studio’s work, tributes by many friends of Rural Studio from around the country, and Andrew in conversation with Billie and Marlon. This event is open to all. Please join us!

Andrew Freear has directed Rural Studio, a program of the Auburn University College of Architecture, Design and Construction, since 2001. During that time he has shaped a deeply considered, widely influential model of architectural education that has enriched and intensified the training of more than 1,000 architecture students, helping them develop as “citizen architects” prepared to use design as a tool for social good. Over the years the students of Rural Studio have built more than 200 projects, ranging from houses, to a farm, to a firehouse for Newbern’s new volunteer fire department, to multiple projects in Lions Park in Greensboro, Alabama. Through two decades of sustained effort, Andrew has transformed what matters in architecture and architectural education through the agency of design and action in rural communities.

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