Unveiled> INABA′s Norwegian Skylight

Unveiled> INABA′s Norwegian Skylight

INABA has won a competition to design a permanent art work for the new concert hall in Stravanger, Norway. Called Skylight, the approximately 43 foot tall helix-like form will be visible to city through the transparent glass cladding of the five story great hall. At night colored, artificial light will animate the form and indicate cues like curtain calls. During the day it will reflect natural light throughout the space.

“The idea is to do a piece that responds to the unique lighting conditions in that part of the word, to amplify it during the day and extend the the light artificially into the night,” said Jeffrey Inaba, principal of Los Angeles-based INABA. While the building itself, designed by Oslo-based Medplan AS Arkitekter, is serene, the pulsating Skylight will be comparatively dynamic. “One of the architects for the building was on the jury. They supported our design. They see it as complimentary,” Inaba said. The permanent art work is expected to be completed in time for building’s opening in 2012.