CHA Gets a New "Community Builder" Boss

CHA Gets a New "Community Builder" Boss

Charles Woodyard has been appointed chief operating officer the of the Chicago Housing Authority. Woodyard has served in a similar capacity for nine years at the Charlotte Housing Authority. Woodyard will be tasked with completing the “Plan for Transformation,” which cleared most of Chicago’s large-scale public housing developments, displacing nearly 17,000 people and opening up vast tracks of land. Rebuilding is only partially complete, a process that has been slowed by the still-stalled real estate market. 

Woodyard has served in various roles in Charlotte’s city government for the last 24 years. He oversaw a smaller  rebuilding effort in Charlotte. According to the Tribune, Woodyard will convene a group of CHA and federal officials to try and “recalibrate” the Plan in accordance with the realities of the current market.

Mayor Emanuel also announced the the chair of the CHA board will no longer receive a $100,000 stipend.