TAKK reduces a flat into a subversive, eco-friendly apartment on a tight budget

Reduce and Refurbish

TAKK reduces a flat into a subversive, eco-friendly apartment on a tight budget

(José Hevia)

How does one go about refurbishing a non-compliant, 540-square-foot apartment in Barcelona for under 10,000 euros? Can it be beautiful and eco-friendly? Fitted with modern, state-of-the-art appliances that limit the flat’s energy consumption to meet code?

10K House, a domestic renovation project designed by Barcelona-firm TAKK, manages to do a lot with very little. Working within the parameters of a rather intimate Barcelona flat on a tight budget, TAKK’s Mireia Luzárraga and Alejandro Muiño, in collaboration with Roger Monfort and Berta Ribaudí, successfully refurbished the private residence in 2022. What they created was both a beautiful old/new home, a precedent interior architects may use as inspiration on projects with similar material and budgetary challenges.

Operating within these confines, designers created a series of six guidelines they used to limit energy consumption, reduce embodied carbon, cut costs, design for longevity, allow for self-construction, and, last but not least, create a beautiful, “hedonistic and playful” space, as the architects said.